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Rachell 'Valkyrae' Hofstetter Launches Anime Company Hihi Studios

Story by Jennifer Maas
from Variety
Image from Variety
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Top gaming streamer Rachell \'Valkyrae\' Hofstetter launches her own media company Hihi Studios focused on developing anime-inspired content.
beat sheet
  • Valkyrae, a top gaming streamer, has launched her own media company Hihi Studios.
  • Hihi Studios will develop and produce IP for graphic novels, TV and film projects with a focus on anime-inspired content.
call sheet
[, ", R, a, c, h, e, l, l, , \, ', V, a, l, k, y, r, a, e, \, ', , H, o, f, s, t, e, t, t, e, r, ", ], Hihi Studios
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