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‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Pays Tribute To Late Disney TV Executive Stephanie Leifer In Season 21 Premiere

Story by Nellie Andreeva
from Deadline
Image from Deadline
scrn logline
The season premiere of \'Grey\'s Anatomy\' paid tribute to late Disney TV executive Stephanie Leifer, a meaningful gesture for those who have worked on the show.
beat sheet
  • [ "The season 21 premiere of \'Grey\'s Anatomy\' ended with a card dedicating the episode to the late Stephanie Leifer, a Disney TV executive.", "The tribute is deeply meaningful to those who have worked on \'Grey\'s Anatomy\' at any point during its run." ]
call sheet
Stephanie Leifer, Disney, [, , , , , , ", G, r, e, y, \, ', s, , A, n, a, t, o, m, y, ", , , , ]
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